What Should You Look for When Buying a Sectional Sofa Set?

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Posted 12/17/20 7:45am by Prim

Versatile and spacious, sectional sofas are popular in all kinds of styles and room layouts. They are also a serious investment compared to other furniture.

Knowing what to look for when buying a sectional sofa helps ensure you get a good quality sectional sofa that lasts and suits you and your environment.

Choosing the Shape and Size of Your Sectional Sofa

Just as there are many layouts for rooms and furniture, there are many shapes and layouts to a sectional sofa itself. If you are thinking about purchasing a sectional sofa set, you should first decide the shape of the sofa set you want.

Consider your space and how you want the sofa to fit within the room. As you consider the shape and size of a potential sectional sofa, you can test how the furniture will fit in your room by taping it out on the floor.

  • The L shape sectional sofa has two sections connecting at a right angle. These are great to fit into the corner of a room but can also hold their own in the middle of a space. An L-shaped sofa can come in various sizes, but is commonly a three-seat section attached to a two-seat section.
  • A U shape sectional takes this layout and adds another section. This is a large piece of furniture, so measure carefully to ensure it fits your space. A curved sectional sofa is another option, with a similar layout but rounded curves that will not sit flush against a wall.
  • A chaise sectional features a larger sofa section with a chaise or extended ottoman attached to one side. One thing you need to consider when buying a sectional sofa of this type or an L-shape sofa is on which side you want the chaise to lie. Some are interchangeable, but others are static as either a left or right sided chaise. So make sure you take this into account when purchasing this type of sofa.
  • Finally, there are fully modular sectional sofas. You can configure these to connect them in various layouts. This is great if you want a multi-functional piece and are willing to rearrange the pieces as needed.

Choosing the Color of Your Sectional Sofa

The color of your sectional sofa is an important consideration. An item this big can become the centerpiece of a room. If that is the look you want, don’t be afraid to choose a bright color or a dramatic contrast.

You can also choose a sectional sofa set that matches your room and complement the other decor in the room. Many designers favor a sofa that matches the color of the wall which can make the room appear to be larger than it is.

However, if you want to ensure your investment fits in with your decor changes over the years, consider a neutral shade. Beige, white, grey, or black are common neutrals for furniture. If you wanted to add a little color to your sectional sofa, you can add it with the pillows.

Area rugs, curtains, art, and accent furniture also help create a more vivid feel, even when the largest piece is neutral.

The next big question is what material you are looking for when buying a sectional sofa.

Choosing the Material of Your Sectional Sofa

The two main choices are leather versus fabric, and then natural fabric versus synthetic.

Looking at leather, this is a remarkably durable material option for a sectional sofa. Leather is easy to clean, making it a low maintenance, long-lasting choice. However, it can also be more expensive than fabric options, especially for a large piece.

Natural fibers like linen and silk are beautiful, but it can be a challenge to keep them looking good if the sofa gets a lot of use. Wool and cotton are better at withstanding wear than other materials. When combined with synthetic fibers, they can be even more durable and cleanable.

Synthetic fibers include polyester, nylon, acrylic, olefin, and vinyl. These are often blended as part of a fabric mix that emulates natural fibers.

Synthetics are less expensive than natural fibers but may lack the natural luxurious look and feel.

When you choose the material for your sectional sofa, think about who will be using it. If you have children or pets in the house, you will want something durable. If you use your sofa frequently or eat on it, ease of cleaning and stain resistance are key.

Choosing the Frame and Suspension of Your Sectional Sofa

Underneath the sofa’s upholstery is the frame. A sectional sofa with a kiln-dried hardwood frame will last longer than other materials without warping or cracking. Cheaper frames like plywood or pine are more likely to fall apart, especially for sectionals that are reconfigured numerous times.

There are also springs and suspension to think of. Multi-way, hand-tied springs are preferable to web suspension. And when you feel the cushions, favor high-density options. These tend to keep their shape well over time.

Now that you have the low-down on how to pick the sectional sofa for you, you’ll be able to get what you want more quickly. Don’t forget to measure the sofa in your space. With all the deals on sectional sofas of various sizes, colors, and materials, you’re sure to find the sectional sofa to suit your needs and style.

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